Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Favorite Fantasy Fest Photos - 2010 Pictures

The crazies didn't all follow the theme, Habitat For Insanity, for Fantasy Fest 2010 ... but this dancing clown captured during the Locals Parade on Friday afternoon looked pretty insane to me:

Of course, Fantasy Fest wouldn't be Fantasy Fest without nearly naked bodies. Nudity is prohibited, but somehow paint qualifies as clothing. The most clever half naked costume I saw:

There was even a real marching parade band -- the Police Pipe and Drum Corps of Florida:
I was very impressed by how the local cops handled the crowds - with a sense of humor. At one intersection a sargeant and his buddies mercilessly teased the pedestrians who tried to resume their promenade before given the sign; they played "Mother May I" with others ...

More Fantasy Fest photos:


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  2. Minions of Mulcahy - Key WestNovember 4, 2010 at 9:53 AM

    Great set of photos.

    It’s nice to know there are some folks out there who recognize that Fantasy Fest is not just all about T&A. It’s about the creative artistic atmosphere of the festival, the home town artists and craftsmen working together to show the world what we in Key West (once we get off the hammock) are capable of.

    Awesome site.

    You are our official favorite photographer and we are definitely going to put a link to your page on our web site.

    Good Show MJ !!!
