Signs Disappearance Still Mysterious
In a comment today (Nov. 30, 2011) in the Key West Citizen's "Voice" column, there was a partial answer to my post a few days ago asking What Happened to Rick Worth's Signs?
"Occupy Wall Street is a noble cause. The ignorance and evil it unveils should be alarming to any American. I have lost my signs, but not the symptoms. Vanity, not tyranny, brought my humble protest down on Angela Street, only to be scattered about town. Get informed. Get involved. Rick Worth."What does that mean: vanity brought down his protest? And where around town are these signs now? I haven't seen any yet, and I *am* looking.
And why hasn't the Citizen done more of a follow up? They printed a photo a few weeks back of Rick painting the sign, but now that the signs are down, why not a follow up? Is Occupy Key West too liberal a cause for our local paper?
They can't claim ignorance; I sent an email on Thanksgiving with a photo of the denuded yard.

And I have stopped by the house a few times and knocked, but never found the artist at home.
Rick, tell us more, please.