I left Asheville at 7:30 am Thursday, bound for St. Croix. Four flights later I arrived - without bags. Not to worry, I’d been told this was likely, and when I reported the bags, Karen, who took my claim said most flights have at least one luggage-less passenger. So, I was prepared with a change of clothes and a few necessaries in my carry on …
Not to worry … but I did a little. The prospect of that much shopping was not attractive … but the worry was for nothing, as I am told my bags will be delivered within the hour.I
I arrived at the Sugar Beach condo complex bagless, but not friendless. George Marshall and his stage crew are already here, pitching the tents and building the dance floor … in a few days, 150 or so contra dancers will gather for a Tropical Dance Vacation - a week of dancing to Wild Asparagus.
George and friends were expecting me for dinner … and made me feel welcome with smiles and gourmet leftovers - Doug and Jane had made Rosemary Chicken, roasted vegetables and green curry vegetables. Scrummy!
Matece and Gary were recently married and we watched the wedding slides - why does it feel so different now that we watch on laptops rather than the slide projector I remember from my childhood? Dis showing slides became so boring and outdated that it feels new and fun because the medium has changed? The message is the same and I love seeing the memories then and now.
Also on hand: Annalisa from Portland, who, with Beth, cooks for the crew, Bruce from the NC coast, Beth and Jote and Robbie. Soon after I arrived, Matisse led a yoga class … the couch and chairs were pushed aside and yoga mats laid out and positions were assumed. To the strains of Deva Parnell we held our Yin Yoga asanas for 3 minutes at a time.
Bruce took me for a walk on the beach to show me the grounds, pointing out the edges of the property, the water breaking the reef, Buck Island a shadow under a moonless sky …
It's my first morning in St. Croix, and I am waiting for my luggage ... hopeful. I think I will stretch a little now, and perhaps my bags will arrive while my head is resting on my knees.
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